Thursday, September 13, 2007

underwater case for my digi came

I recently purchased this DiCAPac underwater case for my digi cam. I am taking a trip to hawaii, and needed something to protect my camera while snorkeling, DID I MENTION I AM TAKING A TRIP TO HAWAII. yipee. lol anyway after some researching, I found out that I could get the official underwater case for my canon A571, but then the price was 140 bucks. Although not a bad price, it didn't really fall inline with my budget so I opted for the DicaPac. I just recently got it in the mail today, although waiting for a second one, and u can see it in the pics below.

crazy night last night

This mans House cause fire, and damn near burnt to the ground. It's unknown how it started, but man did it spread quick, it almost took out the neighboring house to. The Fire just burned the side panels of the house, and then the insulation, but didn't get to the inner wood, so they were actually pretty lucky. Good thing noone was hurt, and noone was home in the initial house. FDNY was on scene in a matter of minutes, and the fire was out quickly.

Monday, September 10, 2007

getting closer

Lets not forget we are getting closer to that trip to Hawaii.

new camera, new bbq

I have a Canon 20D as my main DSLR, but I usually have a small point and shoot with me for the quickie images. Anyhow I was using a Canon A550, but now got a Canon A570is ( Image stabilizer) Which really comes in handy..

Anyway my girlfriend's job had a bbq this Saturday, so we took a few images out there, it was a nice outing, had fun definetly worth the free food. good things, good times.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yet another

Day to start things off. I managed to get a few vacation photo's up on Picasa. Soon I'll get some more of me and Edwina's Vacations up. Got a ton of photos.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Theme Changed up a bit

Ok so changed up the theme a bit. Got the HTC 6 button tab and I have been using that mainly. Here's a few photos. As you can see below you can adjust brightness, you can also change and add your own program icons, up to 9icons, so what you delete is up to you.

The only real pain I have noticed is when you click on the Rotate button it rotates the screen the opposite way of what I'm am used to. When this is done it puts the joggle in your right fingertips, I much rather control it with my left.

I also haded this nifty little app. Threaded sms. Works pretty good so far,

It will rotate
Easier having them all in threaded format than individual
Very User friendly.
works with slide out keyboard.
When in portrait mode, and u hit the keyboard icod, it covers the text box

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Test of blogger cause today was a good day
Well its the First day of my birthday month. well hip hip horay to that. lol ..... FIRST OF SEPT.......

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mogul update

The Mogul has been running strong. I always tend to fiddle with my phone and add stuff and sometimes the things you add don't play well with the phone. I've been through about 2 hard resets, but it's not a problem as everything is always backed up on my pc.

an interesting program I recently found is slide2unlock. Definetly something to be checked out. After my fresh install it was one of the first things I installed

Mobile blogger works

Was testing out Mobile blogger, thankfully it works. just have to try to get it to work with my picture messaging

Well while in boston we took this duck tour. LOL @ the name. But literally it was a boat that went from land to water and was actually pretty cool. Anyhow here are a few images. These were take with my cell phone...

Friday, July 6, 2007

New Mountain Bike

So I recently purchased a new mountain bike in a good effort to keep myself in some sort of decent shape .. lol ... Anyway , I was on Amazon, and found this Jeep Bike. Well I didn't have much to spend, and figured it would do me pretty good.. So on with the purchase .. lol... Next day I checked Amazon and the price was up a 100 bucks... lol.. I wasn't complaining. I got the
Helmet, and the little rear pouch under the rear seat. I figure if your gonna ride, u may as well ride safe...

Yeah so I took it out today , and went for a damn good ride.. lol. I can't even say it was a quickie, oh boy was it nice. I brought my new camera phone with me out for the spin also .. A new Sprint Mogul by HTC - ppc-6800 .. I used it to take the images of the bike... It's not bad.. can be little hit or miss, but im not complaining.

A pic of the Roadway I was about to get on.... lol. heading to the beachside to hit a few trails.

Anyhow, found a few trails, took a few breaks .. sent a few texts and IM messages. Well you know it was fun .. good one... few more images bellow...

This is also included with the ebay Treo ...

I ordered it, but it hasn't arrived yet, I should get it before this auction ends, and will include it in the items to be shipped.

Treo 700p for sale on ebay

Some pics of my Treo 700p that's going up for sale on ebay..
I'm gonna sell it with pretty much everything I got for it, aside
for the the SD cards that I have for it .. lol...

The thicker battery is a 3200mah battery which gives you so much more juice
for those kinoma streaming moments, and ptune rocker moments. lol....

Sad to see it go, but I got another pda filling it's shoes.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

me and wifey going to a Biance Concert come August, gotta find a hotel for that, also gotta find somewhere to go for my bornday in sept... We am thinking Cozumel, maybe another cruise... we gotta see what happens

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

itunes 7

Are you kidding me?
Has anyone tried using this.. They took away the drag and drop feature, cause unless there is something wrong with my pc.... I can't do it anymore...
Any been looking all over to find a different program to use to synch up, but i keep coming back.. I tell you I much raher the itunes 5 or whatever it was I had..

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

wow.. ipod syncing

Trying to find another program to sync the ipod, but I really don't see anything working better than the Itunes I have been using. To use WMP 11 u gotta pay some fee, or hunt down some profound driver. mah can't bother with the hastles, the 80 gig ipod must rock on... lol...

Monday, May 28, 2007

Reformated Laptop

Ok so I reformatted the laptop few days ago.. Had downloaded these dumb updates from microsoft, and it was screwing my notebook up. It would boot all slow, and take long for the vista desktop to show up... hell no!.
I did a clean install .. got the BI working sweet, with nothing but what I put on there.. OS, and maybe 2 or 3 updates. Sometimes I think doing updates messed up your notebook more than anything else.. lol..

Thursday, May 24, 2007

nice nap

Ok so yeah I have been playing GT4 on the PS2 lately, and loving it. Unfortunately after working day time today, I tried to play and I was falling asleep on every other corner,, not a good thing for lap times. Oh well yaaaaaaaaaaaah...

Monday, May 21, 2007

my god i'm so dang tired. been up all day, well did sleep a litle.. but now I am about to take my butt to bed as I am deadly tired.. lmao...
My g/f's mom fired up the grill today which was cool. Had some steak and a burger.. lol...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah sleep.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

new Gaming Mouse. (the story)

Well anyone that knows me, knows that I love to game on my pc. Some of the games that I tend to play are
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Call of duty 2
Toca Racing
Counter Strike 2
Half life 2
Half life 1
Day of Defeat sourse

anyway my g/f brother usually playes soldier of fortune 2 w/a gaming mouse, and I usually played bf2 with a wireless microsoft mouse, on my laptop, and a mx400 wireless mouse on my pc. I was never really sure of the difference, didn't really think there would be to much of a difference.
Anyway I passed by Best buy yesterday and checked out some of their gaming mouses, ofcourse I know I could have gotten one online, but I didn't feel like waiting, and wanted to see what was really good NOW.

so I purchased the G5 Laser Mouse from Logitech. Brought it home, pluged it into my house pc, fired up bf2, and started to play. Know u'll notice the g5 comes with weights. I didn't have any at first. Played and noticed a difference right of the back. WOW.... my aim was so much better, my god.. I couldn't believe it. It's like my eye to cross hair to mouse orientation is so much better.

I don't know how much other people use gaming mouses, but it sure is a difference.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

new DVD player

Yea so I recently purchased this new dvd player, that plays DIVX movies. ohh it's the sweetness.
I tell u it's the best, and plays anything you throw at it.
I tend to get movies off the net, so it will play all the avi/divx/mpeg formats with no problem.

I'm watching Behind Enemy Lines now.
Maybe when I upgrade to a Flat screen I will get a Divx that supports HDMI.
It's just sweet.

Welcome back

Hmm. something new.
Gonna try this and see how I like it.