Friday, July 6, 2007

New Mountain Bike

So I recently purchased a new mountain bike in a good effort to keep myself in some sort of decent shape .. lol ... Anyway , I was on Amazon, and found this Jeep Bike. Well I didn't have much to spend, and figured it would do me pretty good.. So on with the purchase .. lol... Next day I checked Amazon and the price was up a 100 bucks... lol.. I wasn't complaining. I got the
Helmet, and the little rear pouch under the rear seat. I figure if your gonna ride, u may as well ride safe...

Yeah so I took it out today , and went for a damn good ride.. lol. I can't even say it was a quickie, oh boy was it nice. I brought my new camera phone with me out for the spin also .. A new Sprint Mogul by HTC - ppc-6800 .. I used it to take the images of the bike... It's not bad.. can be little hit or miss, but im not complaining.

A pic of the Roadway I was about to get on.... lol. heading to the beachside to hit a few trails.

Anyhow, found a few trails, took a few breaks .. sent a few texts and IM messages. Well you know it was fun .. good one... few more images bellow...

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