Friday, July 6, 2007

New Mountain Bike

So I recently purchased a new mountain bike in a good effort to keep myself in some sort of decent shape .. lol ... Anyway , I was on Amazon, and found this Jeep Bike. Well I didn't have much to spend, and figured it would do me pretty good.. So on with the purchase .. lol... Next day I checked Amazon and the price was up a 100 bucks... lol.. I wasn't complaining. I got the
Helmet, and the little rear pouch under the rear seat. I figure if your gonna ride, u may as well ride safe...

Yeah so I took it out today , and went for a damn good ride.. lol. I can't even say it was a quickie, oh boy was it nice. I brought my new camera phone with me out for the spin also .. A new Sprint Mogul by HTC - ppc-6800 .. I used it to take the images of the bike... It's not bad.. can be little hit or miss, but im not complaining.

A pic of the Roadway I was about to get on.... lol. heading to the beachside to hit a few trails.

Anyhow, found a few trails, took a few breaks .. sent a few texts and IM messages. Well you know it was fun .. good one... few more images bellow...

This is also included with the ebay Treo ...

I ordered it, but it hasn't arrived yet, I should get it before this auction ends, and will include it in the items to be shipped.

Treo 700p for sale on ebay

Some pics of my Treo 700p that's going up for sale on ebay..
I'm gonna sell it with pretty much everything I got for it, aside
for the the SD cards that I have for it .. lol...

The thicker battery is a 3200mah battery which gives you so much more juice
for those kinoma streaming moments, and ptune rocker moments. lol....

Sad to see it go, but I got another pda filling it's shoes.