Wednesday, June 27, 2007

me and wifey going to a Biance Concert come August, gotta find a hotel for that, also gotta find somewhere to go for my bornday in sept... We am thinking Cozumel, maybe another cruise... we gotta see what happens

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

itunes 7

Are you kidding me?
Has anyone tried using this.. They took away the drag and drop feature, cause unless there is something wrong with my pc.... I can't do it anymore...
Any been looking all over to find a different program to use to synch up, but i keep coming back.. I tell you I much raher the itunes 5 or whatever it was I had..

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

wow.. ipod syncing

Trying to find another program to sync the ipod, but I really don't see anything working better than the Itunes I have been using. To use WMP 11 u gotta pay some fee, or hunt down some profound driver. mah can't bother with the hastles, the 80 gig ipod must rock on... lol...